Monday, October 13, 2008

Just added 26 new Naples businesses to directory

Just finished adding 26 newly registered businesses to:…-musicians

Hope they don't mind :-)

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Wilson Plaza new store openings (Naples, FL)….php/34487

has more updates on stores open @ Wilson Plaza in Golden Gate Estates (Naples, FL - Collier County FL)

It's news that's VERY local in nature, but otherwise very difficult to get, so I took it upon myself to help these folks out. Image Tan (Tanning Salon) has been extremely successful in its one month since opening, and having a handy-dandy Tax Collector's office, scary as it sounds, is a good thing! (the people in there are VERY nice and will get your hunting/fishing license, help you pay your traffic tickets, get you your driver's license validated and all that kind of stuff). The Pak & ship place (hill's pak and mail plus) now does postal service (USPS) - international shipping, and has a drop box for post office stuff so that you don't have to leave it in your mailbox @ home with the flag up. Farmer Jack's now offers sub sandwiches... all kinds of stuff happening :)

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TechnoPark of Naples FL registered for patent.…opark-corp

TechnoPark Corp registered a patent with the USPTO. It gives clients a better estimate of the amount of time a programmer will need to complete a project. Looks very promising!

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Golden Gate Estates, Naples, Collier County, Fl…te-estates

is where you can find out things happening in Golden Gate Estates (zip codes 34117 and 34120) and add your own stuff too! Golden Gate Estates is the largest subdivided (suburb) in the WORLD, yet we barely get any press, probably because the properties are all large and therefore not a lot of people live out here in the woods with us. It's a part of Naples, FL that most people don't know about. (we have bears for example, which is something you don't think of with SWFLA) - that's because we're a stone's throw from the Everglades! Also, Ave Maria University (Ave Maria, FL), the controversial conservative Roman Catholic University is right in our area, right next to us and to the left of Immokalee, FL.

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darned phone line is down :-(

I did all the tricks in the book to get it going myself but nothing worked :-( Now I have to call embarq tech support. Ah well, it's been scratchy all week anyhow (and no, I'm not switching to broadband phone service -- it may be cheaper but I'm not ready to depend on my computer for my phone :-) ) Or do you think I should get broadband phone service? -Ken

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October 13, 1582 did not exist. Missing time?

1582 - Because of the implementation of the Gregorian calendar this day does not exist in this year in Italy, Poland, Portugal and Spain.

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utterli works GREAT with YACS!

utterli works great with yacs metaweblog api interface. -- my implementation in in English at --- very few applications that support metaweblog api (Windows Live Writer is one example) are able to do it completely - they skip out on the step where "BlogID" is empty, then offer a list of available blogs. You do it completely and I thank you! -Ken Udut, webmaster of

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whoops - long urls DO work on utterli!

I spoke too soon! They *do* work on most sites. One of the spots I crossposted to using metaweblog api didn't SEEM to work, but it did work in its own weird way. (I needed to wait a short moment for the full url to expand) Sorry for the boring testing! It's fasctinating to me how all of the different services can interpret the same posting in slightly different ways. utterli's implimentations for the various x-posting sites is excellent.

Hopefully I'll be able to get some of those interesting science articles out there, and help some of the local area businesses (Collier County FL - Naples FL) get more exposure online. I think the Internet is vastly underutilized for the purposes of LOCAL connectivity, like the old BBS's were like years and years ago.

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Darn, looks like short urls only for utterli!

Ah well. Short urls only for utterli. Actually that's better 'cause it'll get me to pay attention to the length of any link. Maybe I'll use one of those short url services. (that's the trouble with blogs -- they hvae LONG LONG urls)!

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Decision-Making makes the brain tired!…rain-tired - interesting article! It explains everything :-)

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Recovery from stock market crash in sight?

Hopefully we will recover from the stock market downturn. A lot of panicking was happening last week. Is it another Great Depression? Well, if you have a job, keep it. And visit Naples FL and be a tourist - we like tourists. -Ken

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